
The project

The MEDI-VALUE project aims at advancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) literature by developing innovative methodologies and tools to assess the multidimensional value of Medical Devices, being ultimately aligned with promoting resilient health systems that balance access to care with innovation and sustainability.

Combining academic excellence, through IST-ID and LSE partners, with the needs and research agenda of the Portuguese national HTA agency (INFARMED) and of hospitals (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Hospital do Espírito Santo and Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa), the MEDI-VALUE project will specifically design and implement methods, informed by multicriteria decision analysis, that enable the involvement of a large number of health stakeholders and promote consensus in the structuring and development of sound models to evaluate Medical Devices.

Evidence, ready to use evaluation models and policy insights to inform the adoption, pricing, procurement and information systems of Medical Devices will be generated.

Research objectives

MEDI-VALUE will address the following objectives:

A) What contributes to Medical Devices value and how it can be measured?
B) Do stakeholders have similar perspectives on what is Medical Devices value?
C) Which models can be used to evaluate distinct Medical Devices in practice by the HTA regulating agency and hospitals?
D) Do evaluation models differ across Medical Devices, for the regulator and for hospitals? Which consequences and learnings for policy?

Departing from the project objectives, the project is organized in tasks, key outputs and partners – this information is presented in Work Plan.